A FLTK desktop
There are a lot of programs that are needed on a typical desktop PC. Some are available based on FLTK, some aren't. Here's
an attempt to create a list of such programs:
- CD recording software: FlBurn. Probably does the job.
- Desktop environment: Equinox Desktop Environment. Already mature, stable and
actively (if slowly) developed.
- Editor: FlEditor is nothing revolutionary but probably does the job. Perhaps it
could be enhanced a bit.
- IDE: FlDev. Has some rough edges, but overall it already works pretty well.
- IRC client: FlChat. Probably suffices as IRC client.
- Mail client FlMail. People might miss one or the other feature. Otherwise it should do
the trick.
- Movie player: Flvlc. Looks promising.
- Organizer: FlTDJ. Probably does most of what people need.
- Pdf viewer: FlaxPDF. Probably does all that is needed.
- Picture viewer: FlView. Simply does the job. Could surely be enhanced,
- Web browser: NetRider. WebKit based, portable, actively developed. Alternatives:
Fifth, Dillo.
- Word processor: FlWriter. Could use a lot of love from a dedicated developer but
it's the best that we've got right now.
- File manager: Fluff is working well but extremely minimalistic. Better:
eFiler exists - but it needs work before it's ready.
- Image manipulator: We have Antipaint, but that's really only a start.
- Music player: FlMusic. Can only play CDs, yet. Not playing music files is a
significant gap.
- Scanning: FlScan It's very old and I have no idea if it is in usable shape.
- Spread sheet application: Sprtsht exists but is far from being sufficient. Possible
makeshift: SIAG. Better: Port SIAG to FLTK?
- Terminal emulator: Fl_term exists but is more of a demo. Possible makeshift:
Urxvt. Better: Improve Fl_term or start new project!
- Archiver: None currently known. Possible makeshift: ??
- Display manager: None currently known. Possible makeshift: Slim. Better:
Develop a new one!
- Ftp client None currently known. Possible makeshift: Some console ftp client.
- Hex editor None currently known. Possible makeshift: Some console hex editor.
- Instant messenger: There at least was a Polish one bit I'm not even sure if if's open
source. Possible makeshift: Some CLI IM?
- Password safe None currently known. Possible makeshift: No idea right now.
- Presentation software None currently known. Possible makeshift: Good question...
- Torrent client None currently known. Possible makeshift: Some console client.
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